5 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Wrinkles Under Eyes

Many people choose to know a faster way to Under Eyes.Get Rid of Wrinkles Under Eyes

There are ways for doing that too, but then these ways would be the high cost incurring Botox treatments. On the other hand, there are some people who want to know the natural ways. As per statistics, most people prefer a natural look which doesn’t come by surgeries and Botox. Some soft face massages and exercises would help you the natural way. Make sure you don’t be too harsh on the skin as the under-eye skin is extremely sensitive, and harshness while massage may break the collagen under the skin making the condition more worse. So, keep it soft and massage in a circular motion so that it helps repairing the damaged skin and not worsen it! Let us have a look at some that would help you get a younger and wrinkle-free skin.

Remedies to Get Rid of Wrinkles Under Eyes

Remedy #1
Apply a homemade face pack made of honey, egg yolk, and lemon. Lemon is known to be a natural skin tightener and helps tighten the skin. Whereas egg yolk and honey help to regain the lost moisture of the skin thereby helping in getting rid of wrinkles.

Remedy #2
Turmeric is known to bring the lost radiance back to the skin and is used for curing many skin ailments. Another successful remedy would be to apply a paste of turmeric powder (2-3 teaspoons) with 2 tablespoons of sugarcane juice. Rinse with cold water after 20 minutes and pat dry.

Remedy #3
Another interesting remedy that I came across, was eating the wonderful combination of natural honey and ginger right in the morning. This is known to be very effective in getting rid of those extra lines. All you need to do is to mix ½ teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped fresh ginger. Consume it every morning and notice the change overtime.

Remedy #4
A soft massage using the juices of some fruits and vegetable, is again a natural way of slowing down the aging process. Juices of lemon, cucumber, avocado, olive, tomato, apple, orange, and papaya; are known to be extremely good to replenish the skin. Apart from these, other famous remedy is to place green tea bags over the affected area.

Remedy #5
It is important to exfoliate your face using a mild scrub every once in a week. Removal of the dry and dead skin is essential to keep the skin youthful and young. Use natural and mild ingredients like oatmeal, honey, lemon, and rose water and gently massage the skin (especially the affected areas) in small circular motions. It is better to do this right before going to bed. So that the next thing you do is get a good sleep.

You can go for many available in the market that contains hydroxy acids. Hydroxy acids are of two types, alpha and beta. Teenagers should avoid alpha types and opt for beta which helps in treating skin damages like whiteheads, blackheads and clogged pores and also avoids early wrinkles. Do enough research before going in for a product. Lastly, many people consider going in for Botox and medical surgeries for face lifts and tighten skin. While that too is an option, you must however be well aware of the pros and cons.

These are not overnight miracles that would get rid of wrinkles under eyes. As I have already mentioned above, it’s the lifestyle that you live that reflects on your face. So, follow a good skin care regime, both from outside and within to have a healthy, well hydrated, flawless skin. Avoid taking too much stress as scowling too increases wrinkles. All the best!

Get Rid of Wrinkles Under Eyes

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