How to Get Rid of Vaginal Ingrown Hairs

Getting rid of may be more difficult than getting rid of ingrown hairs on other areas of the body, but it is definitely possible.How to Get Rid of Vaginal Ingrown Hairs


The hairs found in the pubic area often tend to be courser and sometimes curlier than the hairs on the rest of the body, making them much more likely to curl back on themselves and get embedded into the skin. Many women get them as a result of shaving or waxing. Vaginal ingrown hairs may be removed using similar methods to ingrown hairs on other areas of the body, but they also may require a few extra steps.

Firstly, it is important to make sure that what looks and feels like an ingrown hair actually is an ingrown hair. Certain (STDs) may have symptoms that include red bumps or irritated skin that could be mistaken for a patch of ingrown hairs. If the possibility of STDs has been eliminated, then it is safe to proceed with removal of the ingrown hairs.

One of the main issues with removing vaginal ingrown hairs is the often awkward positioning required to see and reach the affected area. Using a hand mirror may help resolve this issue. Hairs that are already partially above the surface may be gently removed using tweezers that have been sterilized. It is important not to dig out hairs that are still under the surface of the skin, however, because doing so can cause skin damage and potential scarring due to the sensitivity of the surrounding skin.

On other areas of the body, ingrown hairs can sometimes be uncovered with regular exfoliation. Vaginal ingrown hairs, however, may be located on areas of skin too sensitive to exfoliate. In order to bring submerged hairs to the surface of the skin, a moist, warm compress may be held on the affected area for a few minutes. This will also soften the skin and hair, making removal of the hair easier.

One of the reasons vaginal ingrown hairs tend to lurk below the surface is as a result of waxing. When hairs are waxed, they have a tendency to break off below the surface of the skin. Sometimes, the snapped hairs may curl and grow into the skin, causing ingrown hairs. Using an epilator may cause the same results. Shaving also causes ingrown hairs because the blade of the razor can cut the hair at a sharp angle, enabling the hair to more easily embed into the skin.

Vaginal Ingrown Hairs

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